Godzilla Vs. Kong
The opening title sequence brings us into the film by showing the history of Titans living in Hollow Earth and establishing the ancient rivalry between Godzilla and Kong. We framed this discovery as a collection of scientific research that documents the monsters throughout time. The research ranges from antiquated hand-written documents, evolving all the way up to the cutting edge interface of modern day scientific databases, placing Godzilla and Kong throughout moments in history. To create this artwork, we referenced real examples of various art-forms from these different cultures and time periods. We expand the research into these monsters into modern day using a mixture of images, found footage, and increasingly technological scientific instruments of study. We also hint at the origin story of Kong, digging deep into the lore of Hollow Earth and linking the evolution of these monsters to the geological center.
To hype up the coming monster battle, we show scientific breakdowns of the two rivals through their otherworldly strengths and weaknesses – such as the infamous atomic breath of Godzilla and the opposable thumbs of Kong. Transitioning into a fully 3D world, we built a graphic arena that analyzes Godzilla and Kong's previous victories over the other Titans, paying tribute to all the monsters that they have defeated on their journey to this installment of the franchise. This tournament-style bracket of monster battles sets the audience up for the biggest battle to date with the last two competitors standing. We take a final dive into Hollow Earth before revealing the Main Title — Godzilla vs. Kong.
As we move forward in time, we start to get into found footage combined with scientific documents and photos. We’re tracking scientists searching for the origin of these monsters, which we heavily imply is the center of the Earth.
Sam Sclenker, Editor
We created this commercial for the film's fictional tech company, Apex Cybernetics. The aspirational spot was used to highlight Apex’s “mission” to provide innovative tech solutions such as artificial intelligence to help mankind achieve a higher potential. It celebrates "humanity's bold new era” with futuristic tech overlays on idyllic footage of humans and robotics, depicting a blissful coexistence between technology and humankind. This commercial was used in the film as part of a campaign by the antagonist of Godzilla vs. Kong, Apex CEO Walter Simmons, who believes Godzilla to be a threat to humanity rather than a hero.

We were entrusted to package the film with customized studio logos for Warner Brothers Pictures and Legendary Pictures. The studio logo treatment combines the craggy ancient hewn stone of the Hollow Earth world with the vibrant crackling energy source that is found there. Following the thread of our title sequence, the stone facade surrounding the WB logo depicts ancient art. Weathered and worn in a similar fashion to cave paintings, the silhouette of Kong is shown in a pictograph. His image hints at the origin of Kong in ancient civilizations, as well as his deep legacy within Warner Brothers Pictures.
Mirroring the same rugged treatment, the Legendary logo is set into the Hollow Earth stone of a deep blue color to represent the amphibious Godzilla. The image of Godzilla opposite a group of ancient peoples encapsulates him as a prehistoric, dinosaur-like monster. An atomic blue glow pulses through the stone, lighting up the logo in a wave of spectral colors.