TV | Title Sequence

Interior Chinatown


Hulu’s Interior Chinatown tells the story of Willis Wu, a Chinese Restaurant waiter who longs to be the main character in his own life. The story takes place in a surreal post-modern world that feels like a self-aware TV show where everyone fits into some type of TV trope. To bring the audience into this unique world, yU+co created a Main Title inspired by Courier, the classic screenplay font. In a simple (and self-reflexive) title, “Interior Chinatown” types out across a blank page as though the screenplay of Willis’ life is being written.The story kicks off when Willis witnesses a crime, leading him to work with the police. He finds himself drawn into the reality of a police procedural called “Black and White.” yU+co was tasked with creating show opens for the fictional show-within-the-show. Drawing inspiration from classic police shows such as Law & Order and True Detective, we created two alternate opening sequences that fit the evolution of “Black and White.”


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