TV | Title Sequence
The Mandalorian
As the first live-action Star Wars series, The Mandalorian occupies a unique space within the Star Wars Universe. Working closely with Jon Favreau, Dave Filoni and the Lucasfilm team, our challenge was to create a Main on End sequence that felt both new and exciting, but also inherently fitting to the legacy of Star Wars.
These sequences set The Mandalorian apart from Star Wars movies and shows, and even from other series. We used concept art from the production to portray the events and characters from the episode just watched. Our artists treated the source imagery to create a gritty look, like a weathered painting, adding a physical element. Animated elements bring the paintings to life with subtle dimension and movement within scenes.
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Episode 302
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Episode 303
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Episode 201
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Episode 202
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Episode 203
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Episode 207
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Episode 101
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Episode 102
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Episode 103
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Episode 104
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Episode 107
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Episode 108